My favourite speaking activity

My favourite speaking activity

par Nguyễn Thị Huệ 098,

In my teaching speaking, roleplay is the one that I like best because this activity is the one that students find interesting most because they can see, laugh and play the parts of the characters in the story.

Objective: Help students improve their communication skills by performing a particular role in listening passage.

Time: 8 - 10 minutes

Preparation: Lesson plan, handouts, recorders…


Step 1: Class members are divided  into pairs or groups and given important suggestions about the topic.

Step 2: The teacher assigns roles for members of the group or they assign the roles themselves in the lesson.

Step 3: The teacher asks students to make up their role play based on the information given. A role play in the class consists of three stages: greetings, content and closing.

Step 4: The teacher sets the time and asks them to act.

Step 5: Teacher and students review the successes and failure of their role play.

Some tips on the successful classroom role - play.

- The teacher should prepare carefully in advance. Try to think through the language that students may need in their work.

- The role of the teacher is to watch the play, encourage students and support them if necessary. The comments and advice should be put in the end.

- Recorders should be used to record what they have done because they can have opportunities to listen to the dialogue again and reflect the language they have used. It is also a good way for self-correction.