Teaching and learning online

Teaching and learning online

- 076 Đặng Thị Thủy の投稿

Theses days, Covid - 19 is a very serious problem and it is getting more and more dangerously for everyone.  New school year is comming soon so we should prepare to teach ...


Theses days, Covid - 19 is a very serious problem and it is getting more and more dangerously for everyone.  New school year is comming soon so we should prepare to teach online for our students . To teach online, Teachers and Students have to prepare laptops, or  smart phones for teaching and learning . And I think It is not easy for those who live in remote areas  or poor families with no  internet money.

Re: Teaching and learning online

- 052 Trần Quốc Nhâm の投稿
I think the same you, Theses days, Covid - 19 is a very serious problem and it is getting more and more dangerously for everyone. New school year is comming soon so we ...


I think the same you, Theses days, Covid - 19 is a very serious problem and it is getting more and more dangerously for everyone. New school year is comming soon so we should prepare to teach online for our students . To teach online well, Teachers and Students have to prepare laptops, or smart phones for teaching and learning . And I think It is not easy for those who live in remote areas or poor families with no internet money, so we have to try our best to provide knowledge to students by many ways it is possible.


Re: Teaching and learning online

- 093 Tran Thi Loc の投稿
I agree with you. The outbreak of corona virus impacts on our life as well as education. Many students are out of school, so we teach online for our students and at first ...


I agree with you. The outbreak of corona virus impacts on our life as well as education. Many students are out of school, so we teach online for our students and at first we think It is not easy for those who live in remote areas like my school. Fortunately, our students are active and excited with learning online and everything is all right.