find someone who

find someone who

- 011 Nguyen Thi Mai の投稿

I often use this activity in my teaching. It is better to use with students from grade 4 with good vocabulary. It lasts about 10-12 minutes. In this activity, the teacher ...


I often use this activity in my teaching. It is better to use with students from grade 4 with good vocabulary. It lasts about 10-12 minutes. In this activity, the teacher will give handout to the students  or draw a table on the board and students will copy it into their notebooks. The teacher will make a model with a confident student or invite two confident students to make a model. For example teacher ask "Do you like chicken?" If the student answer "Yes, I do", the teacher will write her/his name. If not, she will ask other students. After that, the teacher may ask Students to come to the board and report. This activity helps Ss to improve their speaking skills and presentation skills.