Available functions

Calculated questions can use more than simple arithmetic operators. The following functions are allowed in versions 1.5 and newer.

Note: you can use formulas and wildcards inside these functions. The wildcards are denoted in curly braces {}.

absAbsolute value
acosArc cosine -- output in radians.
acoshInverse hyperbolic cosine -- output in radians.
asinArc sine -- output in radians.
asinhInverse hyperbolic sine.-- output in radians.
atan2Arc tangent of two variables -- pass in two values like (y, x), and you'll get the atan(y/x), adjusted to the proper quadrant. (Note: The variables are in the reverse order to atan2(x,y) in Excel) Output is radians.
atanArc tangent -- output in radians.
atanhInverse hyperbolic tangent-- output in radians.
bindecBinary to decimal
ceilRound fractions up to a whole numberceil({a})
cosCosine -- in radians!!! Convert your degree measurement to radians before you take the cos of it.
coshHyperbolic cosine -- in radians!!! Convert your degree measurement to radians before you take the cosh of it.
decbinDecimal to binary
decoctDecimal to octal
deg2radConverts the number in degrees to the radian equivalent
expCalculates the exponent of e
expm1Returns exp(number) - 1, computed in a way that is accurate even when the value of number is close to zero
floorRound fractions down to a whole numberfloor([value]) ex. floor({x}/{y})
fmodReturns the floating-point modulus of two numbers - i.e. the remainder when the first is divided by the second.
is_finiteFinds whether a value is a legal finite number
is_infiniteFinds whether a value is infinite
is_nanFinds whether a value is not a number
log10Base-10 logarithm
log1pReturns log(1 + number), computed in a way that is accurate even when the value of number is close to zero
logNatural logarithm (ln)
maxFind highest value
minFind lowest value
octdecOctal to decimal
piGet value of pi - the function does not take an argument, like in Excel.pi()
powExponential expression or number raised to the powerpow([number to raise], [power]) ex.pow({x},{y})
rad2degConverts the radian number to the equivalent number in degrees
randGenerate a random integer
roundRounds a float to a specified number of decimal places; if you need an amount rounded to the nearest 100, divide your number by 100, round to 0 decimals, then multiply by 100round([amount],[number of decimal places]) ex. ROUND({a},3)
sinSine -- in radians!!! Convert your degree measurement to radians before you take the sin of it.
sinhHyperbolic sine -- in radians!!! Convert your degree measurement to radians before you take the sinh of it.
sqrtSquare root
tanTangent -- in radians!!! Convert your degree measurement to radians before you take the tan of it.
tanhHyperbolic tangent -- in radians!!! Convert your degree measurement to radians before you take the tanh of it.

Sửa lần cuối: Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 8 2021, 11:08 AM