State the difference between active and passive vocabulary. Teach the following vocabulary items: runner-up, reputation, unorthodox. (2 pts) [Jan 2013]

State the difference between active and passive vocabulary? How should each type be taught? (0.5pt)  Which of the following two vocabulary items is active / passive: vocabulary , word, speech, language ? Explain how you would teach :  vocabulary , word,     (1.5pts) [August 2007]


Which of these vocabulary items is active / passive: socializing, ruin ? Why? ( 0.5pt) How would you teach them?  (1pt)  [Jan 2008]


 Say which of the following words is active / passive: wildlifeparticipate . State the steps necessary for teaching them (1.5 pts)  [Sep 2009]


Which of these vocabulary items is active / passive? Why?  ( 0.5pt) How would you teach them?  rinse (v) sewage.  (1pt) [ Agust 2006]


Teach the vocabulary items: to devote, risk, oil – rig. (1.5pts) [March 2007]


Suggest one question to help students understand and use the word firefighter. (1 pt)


Suggest how you would do to present the forms and meanings of the following lexical items: revolutionise, flexible (Remember to use more than two techniques of showing meaning for each one) (1.5pts) [May 2012]

For each of the following lexical items, think of one question that helps the students both understand and use the item correctly: take advantage of, traditional. (1pt) [May 2012]

How would you teach these lexical items: anger, congestion (1.5 pts)

Last modified: Tuesday, 7 October 2014, 11:19 AM