1. Profile update: 5 pts

Profile information like your email, phone number, avatar picture, nickname in khoaanh.net ... is essential to keep you updated and communicate efficiently when working in groups. In order to get the maximum 5, all the above information needs to be shown on your profile.

Sum up date: week 4.

2. Attendance: 25 pts

Each time coming to class late for whatever reasons costs you 5 points. Please be aware that punctuality and attendance do reflect the quality of your learning. Punctual people are supposed to do better than those who aren't.

Sum up date: week 12.

3. Online discussion and participation: 70 pts

The beauty of online learning is human-to-human interaction. You are required to join in all activities and view all resources created. Pay special attention to the discussion forums and reflection activities. As a rule, the more active you
are, the higher the score. Evaluation will be based on both quantity and quality.

Sum up date: week 14

Deadline for midterm work: Dec 20th 2014
Last modified: Saturday, 13 December 2014, 4:22 PM