
What are the key concepts you have learnt today?:

- Principles to teach vocabulary

- Strategies to teach vocabulary (materials and videos)

- Implicit or explicit vocabulary learning

- Teaching idioms, collocations and lexical phrases

What do you like and not like about today's session?:

- I like the problems raised by the author such as the methods to teach vocabulary and teaching collocations, idioms, and lexical phrases to learners.

- The session provides  clear strategies or activities to teach vocabulary  through videos and materials.

-  However, some specialized terms are difficult to understand and acquire.  

What difficulties did you have during the session?:

 The materials are too long for me to focus on. There are some aspects I can't understand completely. I need to be explained more about specialized terms. 

How can you apply what you have learnt today to your future teaching or learning?:

I will apply strategies ( implicit or explicit vocabulary teaching) and activities in this session to my future teaching. Especially, I will try to make use of collocations, idioms, and lexical phrases to teach students from simple forms to sophisticated ones.